Sunday, October 9, 2011

Monopoly at McDonalds

                I know this may be a really weird thing to write about, but I have to talk about how exciting Monopoly month at McDonalds is. I know that I go to McDonalds enough because it has fast, cheap food, and it’s open until god knows when in the morning, but when Monopoly time comes around, I feel like I go there ten times as much.

                So you can get the game pieces on an assortment of medium drinks, big macs, chicken nuggets, and other stuff, and you get double the game play on large fries. I don’t think I’ve ever bought this many large fries at one time. I usually also buy large drinks since they’re only one dollar, but I’ve downgraded to buying medium drinks for one dollar this month just because they have game pieces.

                Other than the game pieces you can get on these items, you can also win free food. I’ve won a lot of free fries, free burgers, and free drinks, so if anyone wants any just let me know because I will probably never use them. My friends and I go to McDonalds enough because they’re the only place open at 2 am, so when we get bored and hungry we go there, unless we have more money then there’s always Festival Foods.

                I know that I probably will never win any of the prizes, and once I collect enough pieces, I know that I’ll just get the same ones, but I just can’t help but to keep playing. This is the only month where I go crazy at buying stuff from McDonalds, and I probably gain a lot of weight. Is it worth it? Probably not, but I just can’t seem to help it I guess.


  1. The J-S had a story a few weeks ago about a Wisconsin guy who hit the jackpot playing McDonald's Monopoly a few years ago:

  2. I'm so happy to hear that somebody like Mc D's. All I ever hear are people hating on them.. why?? It's so damn good. For real, at 2pm they are your best friend.

  3. I love Monopoly too! I always played it as a kid with my friends. It was our favorite game which is probably why I get excited when it comes to McDonalds too!
